umqtt.simple — MQTT client function

MQTT is a release-based - Subscription “lightweight” messaging protocol for use on top of TCP/IP protocol. Provide a subscription/publish model, which is more simple, lightweight, and easy to use. For limited environments (low bandwidth, high network latency, unstable network communication), it can be simply summarized as the IoT.

create object

class umqtt.simple.MQTTClient(client_id, server, port=0, user=None, password=None, keepalive=0, ssl=False, ssl_params={})
  • client_id
  • server
  • port
  • user
  • password
  • keepalive
  • ssl
  • ssl_params


  • f - f(topic, msg) is the callback function, the first parameter is topic the received topic, the second parameter is msg is the topic message

Set callback for received subscription message

MQTTClient.set_last_will(topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0)

topicmsg Byte type

Set MQTT “last will” message. Should be called before connect() .


Connect to server. If this connection uses a persistent session stored on the server, it returns True (if the clean_session = True parameter is used, it returns False(default)).


Disconnect from the server, release resources.

Ping server (response is automatically handled by wait_msg())

MQTTClient.publish(topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0)

topicmsg Byte type

Make an announcement .. method:: MQTTClient.subscribe(topic, qos=0)

topic Byte type

Subscribe to topics


Waiting for server message. Subscription messages will be passed to the callback set via set_callback(), any other messages will be processed internally.


Check if the server has any pending messages. If it is, it is processed in the same way as wait_msg(), if not, it returns immediately.


  • wait_msg() and check_msg() are “main loop iteration” methods, blocking and non-blocking versions. wait_msg() if you do not have any other foreground tasks to execute (ie your application only responds to subscribed MQTT messages), check_msg() if you also handle other foreground tasks, you should call them in a loop periodically.
  • Please note that if you only post messages, you do not need to call wait_msg()/ check_msg(), and do not subscribe to messages.
  • Both publish and subscribe support QoS 0 and 1. Does not support QoS2 to keep code size small. Except for ClientID, currently only supports “clean session” parameter to connect.
  • All data related to MQTT messages are encoded as bytes. This includes the message content and topic name (even if the MQTT specification states that the topic name is UTF-8 encoded). The reason is:binary data (bytes) is received via a network socket.