onewire — Single Bus

Single bus is one-wire bus, which is the peripheral serial expansion bus technology launched by American DALLAS company. Different from SPI and I²C serial data communication methods. It uses a single signal line to transmit both clock and data, and the data transmission is bidirectional. It has many advantages such as saving I/O lines, simple resource structure, low cost, and easy bus expansion and maintenance.

The single bus is suitable for a single master system and can control one or more slave devices. The host can be a microcontroller, the slave can be a single bus device, the data exchange between them only through a signal line. When there is only one slave device, the system can operate as a single-node system; when there are multiple slave devices, the system operates as a multi-node system. Figure 12-1 shows a single bus multi-node system.,798055718&fm=173&app=25&f=JPEG?w=574&h=232&s=88A07D3287AC4D091AF4C1DB0000C0B1

Schematic diagram of a single bus multi-node system

OneWire Class

class onewire.OneWire(pin)

Create OneWire class

  • pin - machine.Pin instance object.

Read byte


Write byte


Scan for devices on the bus
