machine — Hardware related functions

The machine module contains specific functions related to the hardware on a specific circuit board. Most of the functions in this module allow direct and unrestricted access to and control the hardware blocks on the system (such as CPU, timer, bus, etc.). Improper use can cause failures, locks, board breakdown, and, in extreme cases, hardware damage.

About machine module functions and callback used by class methods:All these callbacks should be considered to be executed in the context of the interrupt。 This is true for both physical devices with ID> = 0 and “virtual” (for example, - 1) (these “virtual” devices are still thin pads above real and real hardware interrupts). See :ref:` interrupt handler <isr_rules>`

Reset interrelated function


Has the same effect as pressing the external reset button.


Reset cause.

Reset Cause Value Definition
PWRON_RESET 1 Power On Reset
HARD_RESET 2 Hard Reset
WDT_RESET 3 Watchdog timer restart
DEEPSLEEP_RESET 4 Reset from deep sleep
SOFT_RESET 5 Soft Reset

Interrupt interrelated function


Disable interrupt request. Returns the previous IRQ status, which should be treated as opaque enable_irq() before calling disable_irq() , This return value should be passed to the function to restore the interrupt to its original state.


Re-enable interrupt request。 state() parameter should be the latest call disable_irq() value when function return.

Power interrelated function


Returns CPU frequency in Hz


Provides a clock for the CPU to help reduce power consumption in the short or long term. Once any interrupt is triggered, the peripheral continues operation and execution. (on many ports, this includes system timer interrupts that occur at regular intervals in milliseconds).



This function is not recommended. You can use lightsleep() which don’t require any parameter。


Stop execution to try to enter low power state.

If time is specified time_ms, then this will be the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) sleep will last. Or sleep can last indefinitely.

Whether there is time or not, if there is an event to be handled, the execution can be recovered at any time. This type of event or wake-up source should be configured before hibernation, such as Pin change or RTC timeout.

The exact behavior and power saving function of lightsleep and deepsleep depend on the underlying hardware to a large extent, but the general attributes are:

  • lightsleep has full ram and state retention. After wake-up, resume execution from the point where sleep is requested, and all subsystems can run.
  • Deepsleep may not retain ram or any other state of the system (such as peripheral devices or network interfaces). After wake-up, resume execution from the main script, similar to hard reset or power on reset. This reset_cause() function will return machine.DEEPSLEEP , which can be used to distinguish deep sleep wake-up from other resets.

Return to Wake reason。

Wake reason Value Definition
PIN_WAKE/EXT0_WAKE 2 Single RTC_GPIO wake up
EXT1_WAKE 3 Multi RTC_GPIO wake up
TIMER_WAKE 4 Timer wake up
TOUCHPAD_WAKE 5 Touchpad wake up
ULP_WAKE 6 Coprocessor wake up

Other functions


Returns the byte string of the unique identifier of board/ SoC. If the underlying hardware allows it, it will change fromboard/ SoC instance to another instance. Length varies by hardware (if you need a short ID, use a substring of the full value). In some MicroPython ports, the ID corresponds to the network MAC address.

>>> machine.unique_id()
machine.time_pulse_us(pin, pulse_level, timeout_us=1000000)

Test the duration of the external pulse level at the given pin and return the duration of the external pulse level in microseconds. pulse_level == 1 test high level duration, pulse_ Level = 0 test low level duration. When the set level is inconsistent with the current pulse level, the timing will start when the input level is consistent with the set level. If the set level is consistent with the current pulse level, the timing will start immediately. When pin level and set level are always opposite, it will wait for timeout, and timeout returns to - 2. When the pin level and the setting level are the same all the time, it will also wait for the timeout, and the timeout will return to - 1, timeout_us is the timeout.


Returns a random number generated by 24 bit software.


IRQ Wake Value





Reset Reason


Wake Reason
