bluebit 源代码

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| blue:bit modules library for mPython. 
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from mpython import i2c, sleep_ms, MPythonPin, PinMode
from micropython import const
from machine import UART, ADC, Pin
import framebuf
import ubinascii
import ustruct
import math

[文档]class Thermistor: """ NTC 模块。也适用于其他的热敏电阻。 :param pin: 掌控板引脚号,如使用P0,pin=0. :param series_resistor: 与热敏电阻连接的串联电阻器的值。默认是10K电阻。 :param nominal_resistance: 在标称温度下热敏电阻的阻值。 :param nominal_temperature: 在标称电阻值下热敏电阻的温度值(以摄氏度为单位)。默认使用25.0摄氏度。 :param b_coefficient: 热敏电阻的温度系数。 :param high_side: 表示热敏电阻是连接在电阻分压器的高侧还是低侧。默认high_side为True。 """ def __init__( self, pin, series_resistor=10000.0, nominal_resistance=10000.0, nominal_temperature=25.0, b_coefficient=3935.0, high_side=True ): self.adc = ADC(Pin(eval("Pin.P{}".format(pin)))) self.adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.series_resistor = series_resistor self.nominal_resistance = nominal_resistance self.nominal_temperature = nominal_temperature self.b_coefficient = b_coefficient self.high_side = high_side
[文档] def getTemper(self): """ 获取温度,读取异常则返回None :return: 温度,单位摄氏度 """ try: if self.high_side: # Thermistor connected from analog input to high logic level. reading = self.adc.read_u16() / 64 reading = (1023 * self.series_resistor) / reading reading -= self.series_resistor else: # Thermistor connected from analog input to ground. reading = self.series_resistor / (65535.0 / self.adc.read_u16() - 1.0) steinhart = reading / self.nominal_resistance # (R/Ro) steinhart = math.log(steinhart) # ln(R/Ro) steinhart /= self.b_coefficient # 1/B * ln(R/Ro) steinhart += 1.0 / (self.nominal_temperature + 273.15) # + (1/To) steinhart = 1.0 / steinhart # Invert steinhart -= 273.15 # convert to C return steinhart except: return None
# 兼容以前旧接口 NTC = Thermistor
[文档]class LM35(object): """LM35 模块 :param pin: 掌控板引脚号,如使用P0,pin=0. """ def __init__(self, pin): = pin
[文档] def getTemper(self): """ 获取温度 :return: 温度,单位摄氏度 """ _pin = MPythonPin(, PinMode.ANALOG) val = _pin.read_analog() return val / 4 * (3 / 10.24)
[文档]class joyButton(object): """ 四按键模块 :param pin: 掌控板引脚号,如使用P0,pin=0. """ def __init__(self, pin): = pin
[文档] def getVal(self): """ 获取按键 :return: 返回按键,值可以是'A','B','C','D',无按键按下'None'. """ _pin = MPythonPin(, PinMode.ANALOG) val = _pin.read_analog() btn = None if val < 100: btn = 'A' elif val > 600 and val < 1023: btn = 'B' elif val > 1700 and val < 2048: btn = 'C' elif val > 2700 and val < 3200: btn = 'D' return btn
[文档]class SHT20(object): """ 温湿度模块SHT20控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c
[文档] def temperature(self): """ 获取温度 :return: 温度,单位摄氏度 """ self.i2c.writeto(0x40, b'\xf3') sleep_ms(70) t = i2c.readfrom(0x40, 2) return -46.86 + 175.72 * (t[0] * 256 + t[1]) / 65535
[文档] def humidity(self): """ 获取湿度 :return: 湿度,单位% """ self.i2c.writeto(0x40, b'\xf5') sleep_ms(25) t = i2c.readfrom(0x40, 2) return -6 + 125 * (t[0] * 256 + t[1]) / 65535
[文档]class Color(object): """ 颜色模块控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c
[文档] def getRGB(self): """ 获取RGB值 :return: 返回RGB三元组,(r,g,b) """ color = [0, 0, 0] self.i2c.writeto(0x0a, bytearray([1])) sleep_ms(100) self.i2c.writeto(0x0a, bytearray([2])) state = self.i2c.readfrom(0x0a, 1) if state[0] == 3: self.i2c.writeto(0x0a, bytearray([3])) c = self.i2c.readfrom(0x0a, 6) color[0] = c[5] * 256 + c[4] # color R color[1] = c[1] * 256 + c[0] # color G color[2] = c[3] * 256 + c[2] # color B maxColor = max(color[0], color[1], color[2]) if maxColor > 255: scale = 255 / maxColor color[0] = int(color[0] * scale) color[1] = int(color[1] * scale) color[2] = int(color[2] * scale) return color
[文档] def getHSV(self): """ 获取HSV值 :return: 返回HSV三元组,(h,s,v) """ rgb = self.getRGB() r, g, b = rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] r, g, b = r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0 mx = max(r, g, b) mn = min(r, g, b) df = mx - mn if mx == mn: h = 0 elif mx == r: h = (60 * ((g - b) / df) + 360) % 360 elif mx == g: h = (60 * ((b - r) / df) + 120) % 360 elif mx == b: h = (60 * ((r - g) / df) + 240) % 360 if mx == 0: s = 0 else: s = df / mx v = mx return round(h, 1), round(s, 1), round(v, 1)
[文档]class AmbientLight(object): """ 数字光线模块控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c
[文档] def getLight(self): """ 获取光线值 :return: 返回光线值,单位lux """ self.i2c.writeto(0x23, bytearray([0x10])) sleep_ms(120) t = self.i2c.readfrom(0x23, 2) sleep_ms(10) return int((t[0] * 256 + t[1]) / 1.2)
[文档]class Ultrasonic(object): """ 超声波模块控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c
[文档] def distance(self): """ 获取超声波测距 :return: 返回测距,单位cm """ self.i2c.writeto(0x0b, bytearray([1])) sleep_ms(2) temp = self.i2c.readfrom(0x0b, 2) distanceCM = (temp[0] + temp[1] * 256) / 10 return distanceCM
[文档]class SEGdisplay(object): """ 4段数码管模块tm1650控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c addr = self.i2c.scan() if 36 in addr: self.chip = 1 # TM1650 elif 112 in addr: self.chip = 2 # HT16K33 else: raise OSError("Can not find 7-seg-display module.") if self.chip == 1: self.i2c.writeto(0x24, bytearray([0x01])) self._TubeTab = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71, 0x00, 0x40 ] elif self.chip == 2: self.ht16k33 = HT16K33_SEG() def _uint(self, x): """ display unsigned int number """ charTemp = [0, 0, 0, 0] x = (x if x < 10000 else 9999) charTemp[3] = x % 10 charTemp[2] = (x // 10) % 10 charTemp[1] = (x // 100) % 10 charTemp[0] = (x // 1000) % 10 if x < 1000: charTemp[0] = 0x10 if x < 100: charTemp[1] = 0x10 if x < 10: charTemp[2] = 0x10 if self.chip == 1: for i in range(0, 4): self.i2c.writeto(0x34 + i, bytearray([self._TubeTab[charTemp[i]]])) elif self.chip == 2: for i in range(0, 4): self.ht16k33.buffer[i*2] = self.ht16k33._TubeTab[charTemp[i]]
[文档] def numbers(self, x): """ 数字显示-999~9999 :param int x: 数字,范围-999~9999 """ x = round(x) if x >= 0: self._uint(x) else: temp = (x if x > -999 else -999) temp = abs(temp) self._uint(temp) if temp < 10: if self.chip == 1: self.i2c.writeto(0x36, bytearray([self._TubeTab[0x11]])) elif self.chip == 2: self.ht16k33.buffer[4] = self.ht16k33._TubeTab[17] elif temp < 100: if self.chip == 1: self.i2c.writeto(0x35, bytearray([self._TubeTab[0x11]])) elif self.chip == 2: self.ht16k33.buffer[2] = self.ht16k33._TubeTab[17] elif temp < 1000: if self.chip == 1: self.i2c.writeto(0x34, bytearray([self._TubeTab[0x11]])) elif self.chip == 2: self.ht16k33.buffer[0] = self.ht16k33._TubeTab[17]
[文档] def Clear(self): """ 数码管清屏 """ if self.chip == 1: for i in range(0, 4): self.i2c.writeto(0x34 + i, bytearray([self._TubeTab[0x10]])) elif self.chip == 2: self.ht16k33.fill(0)
_HT16K33_BLINK_CMD = const(0x80) _HT16K33_BLINK_DISPLAYON = const(0x01) _HT16K33_CMD_BRIGHTNESS = const(0xE0) _HT16K33_OSCILATOR_ON = const(0x21) _HT16K33_ADDR = const(0x70) class HT16K33: def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c self.address = _HT16K33_ADDR self._temp = bytearray(1) self.buffer = bytearray(16) self._write_cmd(_HT16K33_OSCILATOR_ON) self.blink_rate(0) self.brightness(15) def _write_cmd(self, byte): self._temp[0] = byte self.i2c.writeto(self.address, self._temp) def blink_rate(self, rate=None): """ 设置像素点闪烁率 :param rate: 闪烁间隔时间,单位秒.默认None,常亮. """ if rate is None: return self._blink_rate rate = rate & 0x03 self._blink_rate = rate self._write_cmd(_HT16K33_BLINK_CMD | _HT16K33_BLINK_DISPLAYON | rate << 1) def brightness(self, brightness): """ 设置像素点亮度 :param brightness: 亮度级别,范围0~15. """ if brightness < 0 or brightness > 15: raise ValueError("out of range,the brightness in 0~15") brightness = brightness & 0x0F self._brightness = brightness self._write_cmd(_HT16K33_CMD_BRIGHTNESS | brightness) def show(self): """ 显示生效 """ self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, 0x00, self.buffer) def fill(self, color): """ 填充所有 :param color: 1亮;0灭 """ fill = 0xff if color else 0x00 for i in range(16): self.buffer[i] = fill class HT16K33Matrix(HT16K33): def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): super().__init__(i2c) self._fb_buffer = bytearray(self.WIDTH * self.HEIGHT * self.FB_BPP // 8) self.framebuffer = framebuf.FrameBuffer(self._fb_buffer, self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT, self.FORMAT) self.framebuffer.fill(0) self.pixel = self.framebuffer.pixel self.fill = self.framebuffer.fill self.text = self.framebuffer.text self.fill(0) def show(self): self._copy_buf() super().show() def bitmap(self, bitmap): for j in range(self.HEIGHT): for i in range(self.WIDTH): if bitmap[j] >> (7 - i) & 0x01: self.pixel(i, j, 1)
[文档]class Matrix(HT16K33Matrix): """ 8x8点阵模块控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ WIDTH = 8 HEIGHT = 8 FORMAT = framebuf.MONO_HLSB FB_BPP = 1 def _copy_buf(self): for y in range(8): b = 0x00 for i in range(8): b = ((self._fb_buffer[y] >> i) & 0x01) | b if i < 7: b = b << 1 self.buffer[y * 2] = b # commands _LCD_CLEARDISPLAY = const(0x01) _LCD_RETURNHOME = const(0x02) _LCD_ENTRYMODESET = const(0x04) _LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL = const(0x08) _LCD_CURSORSHIFT = const(0x10) _LCD_FUNCTIONSET = const(0x20) _LCD_SETCGRAMADDR = const(0x40) _LCD_SETDDRAMADDR = const(0x80) # flags for display entry mode _LCD_ENTRYRIGHT = const(0x00) _LCD_ENTRYLEFT = const(0x02) _LCD_ENTRYSHIFTINCREMENT = const(0x01) _LCD_ENTRYSHIFTDECREMENT = const(0x00) #flags for display on/off control _LCD_DISPLAYON = const(0x04) _LCD_DISPLAYOFF = const(0x00) _LCD_CURSORON = const(0x02) _LCD_CURSOROFF = const(0x00) _LCD_BLINKON = const(0x01) _LCD_BLINKOFF = const(0x00) #flags for display/cursor shift _LCD_DISPLAYMOVE = const(0x08) _LCD_CURSORMOVE = const(0x00) _LCD_MOVERIGHT = const(0x04) _LCD_MOVELEFT = const(0x00) #flags for function set _LCD_8BITMODE = const(0x10) _LCD_4BITMODE = const(0x00) _LCD_2LINE = const(0x08) _LCD_1LINE = const(0x00) _LCD_5x10DOTS = const(0x04) _LCD_5x8DOTS = const(0x00)
class HT16K33_SEG(HT16K33): def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): super().__init__(i2c) # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f ' ' - self._TubeTab = [ 0xFC, 0x60, 0xDA, 0xF2, 0x66, 0xB6, 0xBE, 0xE0, 0xFE, 0xF6, 0xEE, 0x3E, 0x1A, 0x7A, 0xDE, 0x8E, 0x00, 0x02]
[文档]class LCD1602(object): """ LCD1602模块控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ LEFT_TO_RIGHT = const(0) """文本方向常量-从左到右""" RIGHT_TO_LEFT = const(1) """文本方向常量-从右到左""" def __init__(self, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c self._displayfunction = _LCD_8BITMODE | _LCD_2LINE | _LCD_5x8DOTS self._row_offsets = [0, 0, 0, 0] self._displaymode = _LCD_ENTRYLEFT | _LCD_ENTRYSHIFTDECREMENT self._displaycontrol = _LCD_DISPLAYON | _LCD_CURSOROFF | _LCD_BLINKOFF self.Init()
[文档] def Init(self): """ 1602初始化函数 """ self._setRowOffsets(0x00, 0x40, (0x00 + 16), (0x40 + 16)) sleep_ms(50) self.display(True) self.Clear() self._sendCommand(_LCD_ENTRYMODESET | self._displaymode) self.Cursor(1) self.Blink(1)
[文档] def Print(self, str): """ 打印字符串 :param str str: 显示字符串,只支持英文. """ for c in str: self._sendCharacter(ord(c))
[文档] def Clear(self): """清屏""" self._sendCommand(_LCD_CLEARDISPLAY) sleep_ms(2)
[文档] def setCursor(self, col, row): """ 设置光标位置 :param col: 列,1~16 :param row: 行,1~2 """ if row >= 2: row = 1 # Clamp to last column of display if col >= 16: col = 15 # Set location self._sendCommand(_LCD_SETDDRAMADDR | (col + self._row_offsets[row]))
[文档] def Cursor(self, show): """ 光标显示使能 :param bool show: True or False """ if not show: self._displaycontrol &= ~_LCD_CURSORON else: self._displaycontrol |= _LCD_CURSORON self._sendCommand(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | self._displaycontrol)
[文档] def display(self, enable): """ 显示使能 :param bool enable: True or False """ if enable: self._displaycontrol |= _LCD_DISPLAYON else: self._displaycontrol &= ~_LCD_DISPLAYON self._sendCommand(_LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | self._displaycontrol)
[文档] def move_left(self): """ 左滚动显示 """ self._sendCommand(_LCD_CURSORSHIFT | _LCD_DISPLAYMOVE | _LCD_MOVELEFT)
[文档] def move_right(self): """ 右滚动显示 """ self._sendCommand(_LCD_CURSORSHIFT | _LCD_DISPLAYMOVE | _LCD_MOVERIGHT)
@property def text_direction(self): """ 文本方向 """ return self._direction @text_direction.setter def text_direction(self, direction): self._direction = direction if direction == self.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: self._left_to_right() elif direction == self.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: self._right_to_left() # 字符串流从左到右 def _left_to_right(self): self._displaymode |= _LCD_ENTRYLEFT self._sendCommand(_LCD_ENTRYMODESET | self._displaymode) # 字符串流从右到左 def _right_to_left(self): self._displaymode &= ~_LCD_ENTRYLEFT self._sendCommand(_LCD_ENTRYMODESET | self._displaymode)
[文档] def createChar(self, location, charmap=[]): """ 制作用户自定义 Fill one of the first 8 CGRAM locations with custom characters. The location parameter should be between 0 and 7 and pattern should provide an array of 8 bytes containing the pattern. E.g. you can easily design your custom character at To show your custom character use :param location: integer in range(8) to store the created character :param ~bytes pattern: len(8) describes created character """ _location = location & 0x7 self._sendCommand(_LCD_SETCGRAMADDR | (_location << 3)) for i in range(0, 8): self._sendCharacter(charmap[i])
[文档] def Home(self): """光标返回屏幕原点""" self._sendCommand(_LCD_RETURNHOME) sleep_ms(2)
# 非用户调用函数------------------------------------------------ #设置行偏移 def _setRowOffsets(self, row0, row1, row2, row3): self._row_offsets[0] = row0 self._row_offsets[1] = row1 self._row_offsets[2] = row2 self._row_offsets[3] = row3 def _sendCommand(self, cmd): command = bytearray([0x01, cmd]) self.i2c.writeto(24, command) sleep_ms(1) def _sendCharacter(self, c): character = bytearray([0x02, c]) self.i2c.writeto(24, character) sleep_ms(1)
[文档]class MIDI(object): """ MIDI模块控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ def __init__(self, tx): self.uart = UART(1, 31250, tx=tx) sleep_ms(30) self.uart.write(bytearray([0xb0, 0x78, 0x00])) sleep_ms(5) self.uart.write(bytearray([0xb0, 0x79, 0x7f])) sleep_ms(15) self.volume = 100 @property def volume(self): """ 设置或返回音量 """ return self._vol @volume.setter def volume(self, vol): # range 0~127 volume self._vol = vol self.uart.write(bytearray([0xb0, 0x07, self._vol])) sleep_ms(10) @property def instrument(self): """ 设置或返回音色 """ return self._ins @instrument.setter def instrument(self, ins): self._ins = ins self.uart.write(bytearray([0xc0, self._ins])) sleep_ms(10)
[文档] def note(self, note, on_off): """ 播放音符 :param note: MIDI音符编码 :param on_off: 音符播放或停止 """ if on_off == 1: self.uart.write(bytearray([0x90, note, 0x7f])) elif on_off == 0: self.uart.write(bytearray([0x80, note, 0x00])) sleep_ms(5)
class extIO(object): """ 引脚拓展模块控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ OUTPUT = const(0) """引脚输出类型常量""" INPUT = const(1) """引脚输入类型常量""" def __init__(self, i2c): self.i2c = i2c def IOInit(self, pin, mode): """ 引脚初始化 :param pin: 拓展引脚,0~7 :param mode: 引脚模式输入或输出;OUTPUT,INPUT """ self.i2c.writeto(0x20, bytearray([3])) mode_old = self.i2c.readfrom(0x20, 1) mode_new = 0 if mode == self.INPUT: mode_new = mode_old[0] | (1 << pin) elif mode == self.OUTPUT: mode_new = mode_old[0] & (~(1 << pin)) cfg = bytearray([0x03, mode_new]) self.i2c.writeto(0x20, cfg) def readIO(self, pin): """ 读引脚 :param pin: 拓展引脚,0~7 """ reg = bytearray([0]) self.i2c.writeto(0x20, reg) dat = self.i2c.readfrom(0x20, 4) return (dat[0] >> pin) & 0x01 def writeIO(self, pin, output): """ 写引脚 :param pin: 拓展引脚,0~7 :param output: 电平值;1 or 0 """ reg = bytearray([1]) self.i2c.writeto(0x20, reg) stat_old = self.i2c.readfrom(0x20, 3) stat_new = 0 if output == 1: stat_new = stat_old[0] | (1 << pin) elif output == 0: stat_new = stat_old[0] & (~(1 << pin)) cfg = bytearray([0x01, stat_new]) self.i2c.writeto(0x20, cfg)
[文档]class MP3(object): """ MP3模块控制类 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c. """ def __init__(self, tx): self.uart = UART(1, 9600, tx=tx) self.volume = 25 def _cmdWrite(self, cmd): sum = 0 for i in range(0, 6): sum += cmd[i] sum1 = ((0xFFFF - sum) + 1) sum_l = sum1 & 0xff sum_h = sum1 >> 8 self.uart.write(bytearray([0x7E])) self.uart.write(cmd) self.uart.write(bytearray([sum_h])) self.uart.write(bytearray([sum_l])) self.uart.write(bytearray([0xEF])) sleep_ms(20)
[文档] def play_song(self, num): """ 播放歌曲 :param int num: 歌曲编号,类型为数字 """ var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, num]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def play(self): """ 播放,用于暂停后的重新播放 """ var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def playDir(self, dir, songNo): """ 播放指定文件夹指定歌曲 :param int dir: 文件夹编号,类型数字 :param int songNo: 歌曲编号,类型为数字 """ var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x00, dir, songNo]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def playNext(self): """播下一首""" var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def playPrev(self): """播上一首""" var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def pause(self): """暂停播放""" var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def stop(self): """停止播放""" var = bytearray([0xff, 0x06, 0x16, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def volumeInc(self): """ 增加音量 """ self._vol += 1 var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) self._cmdWrite(var)
# 减小音量
[文档] def volumeDec(self): """ 减小音量 """ self._vol -= 1 var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def loop(self, songNo): """ 目录内指定序号歌曲循环播放 :param int songNo: 歌曲编号,类型为数字 """ # var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, songNo]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def loopDir(self, dir): """ 指定目录内循环播放 :param int dir: 文件夹编号,类型数字 """ # 指定目录内循环播放 var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x17, 0x00, dir, 0x01]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def singleLoop(self, onOff): """ 单曲循环开关 :param int onOff: 0:不循环 1:循环 """ if onOff: var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x19, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) else: var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x19, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]) self._cmdWrite(var)
@property def volume(self): """ 设置或返回音量设置,范围0~30 """ return self._vol @volume.setter def volume(self, vol): # set volume range 0~30 self._vol = vol var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, self._vol]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档] def resetDevice(self): """复位MP3""" var = bytearray([0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) self._cmdWrite(var)
[文档]class OLEDBit(framebuf.FrameBuffer): """ bluebit OLED模块类 :param rx,tx: 接收,发送引脚 """ font_5x7 = const(0x00) """字体常量-5*7英文字体""" font_song16 = const(0x01) """字体常量-16*16宋体""" font_song24 = const(0x02) """字体常量-24*24宋体""" font_consol32 = const(0x03) """字体常量-32*32宋体""" # 继承micropython framebuf 类,支持framebuffer方法 def __init__(self, rx, tx): # 定义串口引脚 self.uart = UART(1, 115200, rx=rx, tx=tx) self.buffer = bytearray(128 * 8) super().__init__(self.buffer, 128, 64, framebuf.MONO_VLSB) self.clear()
[文档] def Print(self, str, x, y, font=font_song16): """ 显示中英文字符串,支持字体 '0' =Font5x7, '1' = 宋体16x16, '2' = 宋体24x24, '3' = Consolas32x32 :param str str: 中英文字符串 :param int x y: 显示坐标 :param font: 字体类型, ``font_5x7`` , ``font_song24`` , ``font_consol32`` ; """ temp = "@%d,%d,%d:%s\r\n" % (x, y, font, str) self.uart.write(temp.encode())
[文档] def clear(self, x0=0, y0=0, x1=127, y1=63): """ 清除,默认全屏清除,也可以局部清除 :param int x0 y0: 抹去区域左上坐标 :param int x1 y1: 抹去区域右下坐标 """ self.uart.write("#0:%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n" % (x0, y0, x1, y1))
[文档] def show(self): """ 显示生效,当使用framebuf类方法后使用show()刷新屏幕. """ self.uart.write(">".encode() + self.buffer)
[文档] def Bitmap(self, x, y, bitmap, w, h, c): """ 显示图案 :param int x y: 起点坐标 :param bitmap: 图案1bit数据 :param w,h: 图案宽高 :param c: 颜色,1 or 0 """ byteWidth = int((w + 7) / 8) for j in range(h): for i in range(w): if bitmap[int(j * byteWidth + i / 8)] & (128 >> (i & 7)): super().pixel(x + i, y + j, c)
[文档]class IRRecv(object): """ 红外接收模块 :param rx: 接收引脚设置 :param uart_id: 串口号:1、2 """ def __init__(self, rx, uart_id=1): self.uart = UART(uart_id, baudrate=115200, rx=rx)
[文档] def recv(self): """ 接收数据 :return int: 返回红外值,类型整形 """ if self.uart.any(): temp = if temp is not None: return ustruct.unpack("B", temp)[0] else: return None
[文档]class IRTrans(object): """ 红外发射模块 :param tx: 发送引脚设置 :param uart_id: 串口号:1、2 """ def __init__(self, tx, uart_id=2): self.uart = UART(uart_id, baudrate=115200, tx=tx)
[文档] def transmit(self, byte): """ 发送数据 :param byte byte: 发送数据,单字节 """ self.uart.write(byte)
[文档]class DelveBit(object): """ 实验探究类的blue:bit,适用的模块有电压、电流、磁场、电导率、PH、光电门、气压、力传感器 :param address: 模块的I2C地址,可再模块拨动选择不同的地址避免冲突。 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c """ def __init__(self, address, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c self.address = address
[文档] def common_measure(self): """ 获取实验探究类传感器测量值的通用函数 :return int: 返回传感器测量值,单位:电压(V)、电流(A)、磁场(mT)、电导率(uS/cm)、PH(pH)、光电门(s)、气压(kPa)、力传感器(N) """ self.i2c.scan() temp = self.i2c.readfrom(self.address, 2) data = ustruct.unpack(">h", temp) sleep_ms(20) return round(data[0] / 100, 2)
def _trigger_receive(self): self.i2c.scan() temp = self.i2c.readfrom(self.address, 5, True) if temp[0] in [0, 1]: return temp else: temp = b'\xff' return temp
[文档] def photo_gate(self): """ Photogate Timer 是用来记录刚触发时刻和触发结束时刻的时间。计算信号的正脉宽时间,当输入信号由低变高为触发开始点,由高变低位触发触发结束点,计算之间的时间差。 :return int: 返回正脉宽时间,单位秒 """ old_start = b'\xff' while True: start = self._trigger_receive() if start[0] == 1 and old_start[0] == 255: trigger_begin = start[1] * 16777216 + start[2] * 65536 + start[ 3] * 256 + start[4] old_end = start while True: end = self._trigger_receive() if old_end[0] == 0 and end[0] == 255: trigger_end = old_end[1] * 16777216 + old_end[ 2] * 65536 + old_end[3] * 256 + old_end[4] trigger_time = (trigger_end - trigger_begin) / 2041667 # print("time:", trigger_time, trigger_begin, # trigger_end) return trigger_time else: old_end = end continue else: old_start = start continue
[文档]class EncoderMotor(object): """ blue:bit编码电机驱动,提供pwm、cruise、position 三种驱动方式。 :param address: 模块的I2C地址,可再模块拨动选择不同的地址避免冲突。 :param i2c: I2C实例对象,默认i2c=i2c """ PWM_MODE = b'\x05' """pwm模式""" CRUISE_MODE = b'\x0a' """巡航模式""" POSITION_MODE = b'\x0f' """定位模式""" def __init__(self, address, i2c=i2c): self.i2c = i2c self.address = address def _effect(self, mode): """ 生效 """ write_buf = b'\x00' + mode self.i2c.writeto(self.address, write_buf) sleep_ms(10)
[文档] def motor_stop(self): """ 停止编码电机转动 """ self.i2c.writeto(self.address, b'\x00\x00') sleep_ms(10)
[文档] def set_pwm(self, speed1, speed2): """ pwm模式 :param speed1: 设置M1通道编码电机速度,范围-1023~1023 :param speed2: 设置M2通道编码电机速度,范围-1023~1023 """ if speed1 > 1023 or speed1 < -1023 or speed2 > 1023 or speed2 < -1023: raise ValueError("Speed out of range:-1023~1023") write_buf = b'\x06' + ustruct.pack('>HH', speed1, speed2) self.i2c.writeto(self.address, write_buf) sleep_ms(10) self._effect(self.PWM_MODE)
[文档] def set_cruise(self, speed1, speed2): """ Cruise巡航模式,设定速度后,当编码电机受阻时,会根据反馈,自动调整扭力,稳定在恒定的速度。 :param speed1: 设置M1通道编码电机速度,范围-1023~1023 :param speed2: 设置M2通道编码电机速度,范围-1023~1023 """ if speed1 > 1023 or speed1 < -1023 or speed2 > 1023 or speed2 < -1023: raise ValueError("Speed out of range:-1023~1023") write_buf = b'\x0a' + ustruct.pack('>HH', speed1, speed2) self.i2c.writeto(self.address, write_buf) sleep_ms(10) self._effect(self.CRUISE_MODE)
[文档] def set_position(self, turn1, turn2): """ 定位模式,可设置编码编码电机定点位置,范围-1023~1023。 :param turn1: 设置M1通道编码电机定位,-1023~1023 :param turn2: 设置M2通道编码电机定位,-1023~1023 """ if turn1 > 1023 or turn1 < -1023 or turn2 > 1023 or turn2 < -1023: raise ValueError("Position out of range:0~1023") write_buf = b'\x10' + ustruct.pack('>ll', turn1, turn2) self.i2c.writeto(self.address, write_buf) sleep_ms(10) self._effect(self.POSITION_MODE)
[文档]class Rfid(): """ Rfid类,提供读写block和电子钱包操作。 :param i2c: I2C实例对象 :param serial_number: RFID卡序列号 """ import rfid def __init__(self, i2c, serial_number): self.i2c = i2c self._serial_number = serial_number self.purse_block = None def _get_serNum(self, serial_number): serNumCheck = 0 buf = serial_number.to_bytes(4, 'little') for i in range(4): serNumCheck ^= buf[i] serNum_list = [int(i) for i in buf] serNum_list.append(serNumCheck) return (tuple(serNum_list))
[文档] def serial_number(self): """ 获取序列号 """ return self._serial_number
def _judge_block(self, block_number): """判断block是否可用。 RFID卡内储存空间分为16 个扇区,每个扇区由4 块(块0、块1、块2、块3)组成,(我们也 将16 个扇区的64 个块按绝对地址编号为0~63。第0 扇区的块0(即绝对地址0 块),它用于存放厂商代码,已经固化,不可更改。 每个扇区的块0、块1、块2 为数据块,可用于存贮数据。 :param block_number: 块编号 """ unused_blocked = [i*2 ^ 2-1 for i in range(1, 16)] unused_blocked.append(0) if block_number in unused_blocked: raise Exception( "This block {} can't be accessed!" .format(block_number)) else: return True
[文档] def auth(self, block_number=1): serNum = self._get_serNum(self._serial_number) if self._judge_block(block_number): self.rfid.init(self.i2c) if self.rfid.find_card(): self.rfid.anticoll() if self.rfid.select_tag(serNum): return self.rfid.auth(serNum, block_number)
[文档] def read_block(self, block_number=1): """读取块数据,长度16字节 :param block_number: 块编号 """ self.auth(block_number) return self.rfid.read_block(block_number)
[文档] def write_block(self, buf, block_number=1): """写块数据,长度16字节 :param bytes buf: 块编号 :param int block_number: 块编号 """ self.auth(block_number) return self.rfid.write_block(block_number, buf)
[文档] def set_purse(self, block_number=1): """ 设置电子钱包,默认使用block 1。 :param int block_number: 块编号 """ if block_number != 1: self.purse_block = block_number else: self.purse_block = 1 self.auth(self.purse_block) return self.rfid.set_purse(self.purse_block)
[文档] def get_balance(self): """ 获取电子钱包余额。使用该函数前,必须对数据块进行 ``set_purse()`` 设置。 :return: 返回余额 """ if self.purse_block is None: self.purse_block = 1 self.auth(self.purse_block) return self.rfid.balance(self.purse_block)
[文档] def increment(self, value): """ 给电子钱包充值。使用该函数前,必须对数据块进行 ``set_purse()`` 设置。 :param int value: 充值 """ if self.purse_block is None: self.purse_block = 1 self.auth(self.purse_block) return self.rfid.increment(self.purse_block, value)
[文档] def decrement(self, value): """ 给电子钱包扣费。使用该函数前,必须对数据块进行 ``set_purse()`` 设置。 :param int value: 扣费 """ if self.purse_block is None: self.purse_block = 1 self.auth(self.purse_block) return self.rfid.decrement(self.purse_block, value)
[文档]class Scan_Rfid(): """扫描Rfid卡类. """ import rfid
[文档] @classmethod def scanning(cls, i2c=i2c): """ 扫描RFID卡,返回Rfid对象 :param obj i2c: I2C实例对象 :return: 返回Rfid对象 """ cls.rfid.init(i2c) if cls.rfid.find_card(): serial_tuple = cls.rfid.anticoll() if serial_tuple: serial_num = int.from_bytes(bytes(serial_tuple[:-1]), 'little') print("find card: {}" .format(serial_num)) return Rfid(i2c, serial_num)
class VoiceAssistant(): """语音助手类""" def wifi_config(self, ssid, password): """语音助手Wi-Fi连接 :param ssid: 账号 :param password: 账号,密码 """ data_len_L = 96 & 0xff data_len_H = 96 >> 8 checkSum = data_len_L + data_len_H + 0x01 + 0x01 n1 = [0xff, 0x55, data_len_L, data_len_H, 0x01, 0x01] wifi_ssid = bytes(ssid, 'utf-8') list_wifi_ssid = [0]*32 for i in range(0, len(wifi_ssid)): list_wifi_ssid[i] = wifi_ssid[i] for i in range(0, 32): checkSum += list_wifi_ssid[i] wifi_pwd = bytes(password, 'utf-8') list_wifi_pwd = [0]*64 for i in range(0, len(wifi_pwd)): list_wifi_pwd[i] = wifi_pwd[i] for i in range(0, 64): checkSum += list_wifi_pwd[i] n = n1 + list_wifi_ssid + list_wifi_pwd n.append(checkSum & 0xff) return bytes(n) def dueros_profile_config(self, duer_profile): """语音助手读取文本文件 :param duer_profile: profile """ data_len_L = len(duer_profile) & 0xff data_len_H = len(duer_profile) >> 8 checkSum = data_len_L + data_len_H + 0x02 + 0x02 n1 = [0xff, 0x55, data_len_L, data_len_H, 0x02, 0x02] for i in range(0, len(duer_profile)): checkSum += duer_profile[i] n = n1 + list(duer_profile) n.append(checkSum & 0xff) return bytes(n)